A. E. Hull Pottery Co.

(Cinderella Kitchen)

1949 Oven proof kitchenware. White gloss finsh with yellow tinted tops.
handpainted flowers in pink or yellow with green leaves. Fifteen shapes at initial offering with
more offerred after 1950.

Click on IMG to view image of item
 20 IMG  5 1/2" 7 1/2" 9 1/2" Mixing bowls  15-18,  set 35-40
 21 IMG 7 1/2 " 8 1/2" casseroles, covered  15-20,   25-30
 22 64 oz Beverage Pitcher  45-55
 24 IMG  32 oz covered grease jar  18-25
 25 IMG  Salt and pepper shakers  15-18 set
 26  42 oz teapot  45-55
 27  4 1/2 " covered sugar  12-15
 28  4 1/2" Creamer  12-15
 29 IMG  16 oz Pitcher  18-20
 29 IMG  32 oz Pitcher  25-30
 30 IMG  Cookie Jar  20-25
  IMG  9 1/2" square serving bowl  20-25


The block letters were used on all the 1949 items produced in the blossom/bouquet lines.
Some of the later items were stamped with dark brown letters.

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